- Item 9: Authorize the City's Director of Finance to dispose through an auction facility four (4) City-owned police vehicles determined to be surplus vehicles by the Police Department.
- Item 10: Authorize the City's Director of Finance to dispose through an auction facility eleven (11) City-owned vehicles determined to be surplus vehicles by the Public Works Department.
- Item 11: Approve an extension of contract term with Sheridan Clearwater DBA Sheridan Clearwater, LLC, Austin, Texas, to expire March 7, 2022, with no increase in service rates and charges for sludge pressing and bio-solids disposal services at the City’s wastewater treatment plant and declare this procurement is necessary to protect the public health and safety of Kyle residents and to protect the environment.
- Item 12: Authorize award and execution of a Purchase Order to Hydropro Solutions, Georgetown, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $18,700.00 for the purchase of three (3) SmartCover sensors to monitor gravity flow, and inflow and infiltration of stormwater entering wastewater manholes.
- Item 13: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the contract with Burgess & Niple Inc., Austin, Texas, in an amount of $286,600.00 increasing the total contract amount not to exceed $1,268,160.00 for providing professional additional engineering services for design and construction administration services for a new permanent dewatering facility at the wastewater treatment plant.
- Item 14: Approve Plum Creek Regional Detention - Site Plan (SD-20-0075) limits of construction for 81.86 acres, construction entrance is located at 3251 S. FM 1626.
- Item 15: Approve Plum Creek Phase 2, Section 6 & 10 Grading Improvements - Site Plan (SD-20-0080) limits of construction for 92.43 acres, construction entrance is located at 3251 S. FM 1626.
- Item 16: Approve Plum Creek Phase 1, Section 12C - Final Plat (SUB-20-0150) 6.708 acres; 1 Lot and ROW for property located on the southwest corner of Kohler's Crossing and FM 1626.
- Item 17: Authorize award and execution of a Purchase Order to Sunbelt Rental, New Braunfels, TX in an amount not to exceed $20,874.94 which includes a fifteen (15) percent contingency for the rental of a stand-by diesel powered generator to be used at 1626 booster pump station for the Public Works Department.
- Item 18: Approve an extension of contract with High 5 Promotions to expire September 31, 2021, with no increase in rates and service charges for YouTube and Google product optimization.
Approved unanimously
- Item 19: First Reading) Consideration and Possible Action on an Ordinance of the City of Kyle Making a Finding of Special Benefit to the Property in the 6 Creeks Public Improvement District; Providing for the Method of Assessment of Special Assessments Against Property in Improvement Area #2 of the District; Approving an Assessment Roll for Improvement Area #2 of the District; Levying Assessments Against Property Within Improvement Area #2 of the District; Providing for Payment of the Assessments; Providing for Penalties and Interest on Delinquent Assessments; Establishing a Lien on Property Within Improvement Area #2 of the District; Approving a Service and Assessment Plan; Providing for Related Matters in Accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code; Providing an Effective Date; and Providing for Severability.
Approved unanimously, second reading waived
- Item 20: (First Reading) Consideration and Possible Action on an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Kyle, Texas Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2020 (6 Creeks Public Improvement District Improvement Area #1 Project); Approving and Authorizing an Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Limited Offering Memorandum, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and Other Agreements and Documents in Connection Therewith; Making Findings with Respect to the Issuance of Such Bonds; Providing an Effective Date; and Accepting and Approving an Amended and Restated Service and Assessment Plan and an Updated Improvement Area #1 Assessment Roll.
Approved unanimously, second reading waived
- Item 21: (First Reading) Consideration and Possible Action on an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Kyle, Texas Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2020 (6 Creeks Public Improvement District Improvement Area #2 Project); Approving and Authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Limited Offering Memorandum, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and Other Agreements and Documents in Connection Therewith; Making Findings with Respect to the Issuance of Such Bonds; Providing an Effective Date; and Accepting and Approving an Amended and Restated Service and Assessment Plan and an Updated Improvement Area #2 Assessment Roll.
Approved unanimously, second reading waived
- Item 22: Regional Stormwater Facilities Cost Sharing Agreement with North Hays County Municipal Utility District No. 2 , Plum Creek Development Partners, Ltd., Mountain Plum, Ltd., and Lennar of Texas Land and Construction, Ltd.
Approved unanimously
- Item 23: Consider Approval of an Agreement Regarding Roadway and Drainage Improvements between the City of Kyle and the La Salle Utility District No. 1.
Approved unanimously
- Item 24: Consider Approval of an Agreement Regarding Roadway and Drainage Improvements – Spooner Tract between the City of Kyle and Sandera Land Development Company, LLC.
Approved unanimously
- Item 25: (Second Reading) An Ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle, Texas, for the purpose of assigning original zoning to approximately 128.58 acres of land from Agriculture ‘AG’ to Single Family Residential-3 ‘R-1-3’ and approximately 30.27 acres of land to Residential Townhome ‘R-1-T’ and approximately 20.37 acres of land to Community Commercial ‘CC’ for property located off of E. Post Road, just north of Quail Ridge Subdivision, in Hays County, Texas. John H. Spooner Revocable Trust - Z-20-0061)
Approved on a 5-2 vote (Tobias, Flores-Cale voting no)
- Item 26: Consider and possible action regarding entering into a design build contract with Cadence McShane for 104 S. Burleson.
Approved on a 6-1 vote (Flores-Cale voting no)
- Item 27: Consider a request for three (3) waivers to allow a two-lot subdivision in the City of Kyle’s Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction at 2400 Windy Hill Road. (Jacobo Subdivision - SUB-20-0157)
Approved unanimously
- Item 28: A Resolution of the City of Kyle, Texas, Accepting the petition for annexation of 29.792 acres, more or less, of land located in Hays County, Texas; setting an annexation schedule; providing for open meetings and other related matters. (ANNX-20-0007 - Casetta Ranch, Jansen Addition Development Agreement)
Approved unanimously
- Item 29: Consider Approval of an Addendum to the Development and Annexation Agreement for the Texas Lehigh Properties.
Approved unanimously
- Item 30: Direct the city manager to negotiate an agreement with AGCM Inc. for Owner's Representative Services for the Kyle Public Safety Center.
Approved unanimously
- Item 31: Consider approval of an Encroachment Agreement between Lower Colorado River Authority, North Hays Municipal Utility District No. 2 and The City of Kyle.
Approved unanimously
- Item 32: Consider a request by Rick Hanna, The Blackburn Group, LLC to have a front setback exception granted per Sec. 53-33(k)(Chart 1)(9), to reduce the front setback for certain residential lots in the Brooks Ranch subdivision located directly behind and southwest of the homes on Mather (Plum Creek) and W FM 150.
Approved unanimously