Item 7: Approve a development agreement between City of Kyle and Meritage Homes of Texas, LLC or assigns.
Item 8: Termination and release of two water easements for Kyle Mortgage Investors.
Item 9: Consider approval of an agreement with Railpros Field Services, Grapevine, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $47,575 for providing observation services required by Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) during installation of casing, reclaimed water line, and wastewater line under the UPRR tracks.
Item 10: Consider approval of an agreement with Railpros Field Services, Inc., Grapevine, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $42,369 for providing flagging services required by Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) during installation of a casing, reclaimed water line, and wastewater line crossing under the UPRR tracks.
Item 11: Authorize the chief of police to execute and accept a grant award on behalf of the Kyle Police Department from the Texas Office of the Attorney General in the amount of $4,300 for the purpose of acquiring software in support of the partnership with the Internet Crime Against Children task force program.
Item 12: Approval of Change Order No. 1 to N.G. Painting, LP 1225 Bandera Hwy #A2, Kerrville, Texas, in an additional amount not to exceed $50,000 increasing the total contract amount not to exceed $392,000 for the purpose of providing additional work for the well No. 4 elevated storage tank located on Kohlers Crossing, and the downtown elevated storage tank next to city hall.
Item 13: (Second Reading) An ordinance of the City of Kyle annexing 25.2 acres of land, more or less, located in Hays County, including the abutting streets, roadways, and rights-of-way into the corporate limits of the city, at the request of the property owner; approving a service plan for the annexed area; making finding of fact; providing a severability clause and an effective date; and providing for open meetings and other related matters.
Approved 7-0
Item 15: (First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle for the purpose of rezoning approximately 1.63 acres of land from Construction Manufacturing (CM) to Retail Service District (RS) for property located at 1050 Bunton Creek Road.
Approved 6-1 (Flores-Cale voting “nay”)
Item 16: (First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle for the purpose of assigning original zoning to approximately 1.105 acres of land from Agriculture (AG) to Retail Service District (RS) for property located within the 1800 block of Goforth Road.
Approved 7-0 (second reading waived)
Item 17: (First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle for the purpose of modifying Section 53-893 Conditional Use Permit, required.
Approved 6-1 (Mayor pro tem Rick Koch voting “nay”)
Item 14 (pulled from Consent Agenda): Authorize the city manager to enter an agreement with Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc., to relocate overhead power lines around the premises of Krug Activity Center to adjacent streets, alleys, underground, as necessary for beautification of Downtown Square, Mary Kyle Hartson Park.
Approved 7-0
Item 18: (Second Reading) An ordinance of the City of Kyle adopting an amendment to the cty's 2010 Comprehensive Plan; providing for the amendment of the plan by including Manufactured Home Subdivision District (M-2) and Manufactured Home Park (M-3) to the New Town Community Land Use District; providing for related matters.
Approved 5-2 (Ellison, Flores-Cale voting “nay”)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Items 19 and 20 considered collectively)
Item 19: [Postponed 5/4/2021] Consider approving an amendment regarding declaration related to the conveyance of the Central Park parcel to the city and authorize the city manager to execute documents related to closing on the parcel.
Item 20: Consider and possible action to approve a temporary construction easement and access agreement.
Approved 7-0
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Items 21 and 22 considered collectively)
Item 21: [Postponed 5/4/2021] Authorize award and execution of a contract with Cadence McShane Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $7.95 million for the construction of Heroes Memorial Park.
Item 22: [Postponed 5/4/2021] Authorize award and execution of a contract with Stoddard Construction Management, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $4.85 million for the construction of Uptown Central Park and Cultural Trails.
Approved 7-0
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Items 23 and 24 considered collectively)
Item 23: [Postponed 5/4/2021] Consider approving a resolution directing publication of a notice of public hearing and intention to issue combination tax and revenue Certificates of Obligation.
Item 24: [Postponed 5/4/2021] Acceptance of the resolution of the board of Kyle Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) No. 2, as passed on April 29, authorizing the city council of the City of Kyle to issue on its behalf Certificates of Obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $5 million for the design and construction of three roads in Uptown Plum Creek development and other related matters and direct the city to prepare a reimbursement agreement between the city and TIRZ No. 2 for the repayment of debt associated with this bond.
Approved 7-0
Item 25: Consider approving a resolution authorizing amendments to the personnel policy.
Approved 7-0
Item 26: Approve the City of Kyle’s voluntary commitment to reducing particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions within the Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Vote deemed not necessary because official commitment no longer required by CAPCOG.
Item 27: Discussion of implementation of Proposition F - Police Department Oversight. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Following a presentation by council member Dex Ellison on the progress of drafting an ordinance to implement a police oversight committee approved by voters last November, Mayor Travis Mitchell motioned to create a Proposition F Task Force composed of council members Ellison, Rizo and Tobias to solicit public feedback on Proposition F and report back to the full council on “a future date.”)
Motion approved 7-0
Item 28: Discussion and possible action to direct staff to prepare a camping and begging activity ordinance. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Mayor Travis Mitchell moved to direct staff to draft an ordinance consistent with the “item outlined in the agenda.”)
Motion approved 7-0
Item 31: Take action on items discussed in Executive Session.
No action taken during Executive Session.