The Kyle Report

The Kyle Report

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

It’s that glorious time of year when no one can be bothered with meetings

quo-rum (kwor' em) The minimum number of officers and members of a constituted body who must be present for the valid transaction of business.

Last Thursday, Kyle’s Planning and Zoning Commission, acting in its assigned capacity as five-year fixers of the city’s Comprehensive Plan, held a public meeting during which it planned to solicit citizen input on said plan. Not counting yours truly, three individuals attended. Three. That’s one less the number of the seven-member Planning and Zoning Commission who attended.

Tonight, at the regularly scheduled P&Z meeting, even that number couldn’t be mustered. Only three commissioners — Chairman Michael Rubsam and commissioners Lori Huey and Dex Ellison — made an appearance and Ellison had to drive like a madman from Lakeway, where he’s now the newly appointed branch manager of a credit union location, to make it on time. Rubsam said it was the first time in his years of service on the commission, the board failed to have a quorum.

Several individuals whose cases were on the P&Z agenda were obviously disappointed with the cancellation, but they were assured their pleas will automatically be rolled over to the P&Z’s next regularly scheduled meeting, inconveniently planned for three days before Christmas. Good luck with that.

1 comment:

  1. Were any of those absences "excused"?
    Lila Knight
