The Kyle Report

The Kyle Report

Friday, March 11, 2016

Daylight Savings Time so change your batteries

OK, this really has absolutely nothing to do with city government, per se. I’m going to justify it, however, because it does have something to do with public safety and the largest chunk of any municipal General Fund budget goes to public safety.

I’m convinced the city’s public safety officials will agree with me when I say you should change the batteries in your smoke alarms every six months. I’m always reminded to do this by the start and the end of Daylight Savings Time.

Daylight Savings begins Sunday, so if you haven’t done so in a while, here’s a reminder to protect yourselves and your loved ones by changing the batteries in your home smoke alarms and to do so every time Daylight Savings kicks in or out. It’s just a simple way to remember to take this precaution.

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