The Kyle Report

The Kyle Report

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Total sales tax receipts in the black for the first time this fiscal year

The City’s latest sales tax receipts, released today, exceeded estimates by the highest amount of the current fiscal year, putting the city in the black for the first time in this budget cycle, if only by a scant one-tenths of 1 percent.

April’s actual receipts were $444,320.03, which is $42,601.03 or 10.6 percent above what the budget projected for the month. That spike put the city ahead of the fiscal year’s projections by $3,473.13, which may not seem that great in the overall scheme of things, but it marked the first time during this fiscal year receipts exceeded projections.

What some economists and city officials might consider even better news for the local economy is that this fiscal year’s total sales tax receipts are 33.73 percent higher than last year’s at this time.

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