(First Reading) Approve an Ordinance amending the City's Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 by appropriating $537,032 to provide funding for change order numbers 4 and 6 approved by city council on Nov. 1 to Cadence Construction Company, LLC, in the amount of $438,030 for the Heroes Memorial Park project and $99,002 to construct an eight-inch reclaimed waterline underneath Kohlers Crossing.
Approved 7-0, second reading waived.
Approve a resolution approving and authorizing a financing agreement for the Kyle Plum Creek North Public Improvement District.
Approved 7-0
(First Reading) Consider and possible action on an ordinance finding of special benefit to the property in the Plum Creek North Public Improvement District; providing for the method of assessment of special assessments against property in the district; approving assessment rolls for the district; levying assessments against property within the district; providing for payment of the assessments; providing for penalties and interest on delinquent assessments; establishing a lien on property within the district; approving a service and assessment plan; approving landowner agreements; providing for related matters in accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code; providing an effective date; and providing for severability.
Appoved 7-0, second reading waived
A resolution authorizing the city manager to coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation for installation of a sign at Interstate Highway 35 and South FM 1626 prohibiting soliciting, begging activity directed at drivers using the city streets; providing open meetings clause; and providing for related matters.
Motion to amend the resolution to include installation of a sign at Interstate 35 and Center Street approved 7-0; amended resolution approved 7-0.
Consider a request by Nitro Swimming to grant a special exception for parking on property located within Plum Creek PUD.
Amendment to add for additional ADA parking spaces approved 7-0; amended request approved 7-0.
(First Reading) An ordinance amending Chapter 41 (Subdivisions) for the purpose of modifying Section 41-136 (Lots)and Chapter 53 (Zoning) for the purpose of modifying Section 53-143 (Site Development Regulations [Townhomes]) authorizing the city secretary to amend the code of ordinances so as to reflect this change; providing for publication and effective date; providing for severability; and ordaining other provisions related to the subject matter hereof; finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public as required by law.
Motion to approve Chapter 41 with an amendment requiring HOAs to be responsible for maintenance approved, and to modify and bring back the Chapter 53 changes approved 7-0.
Consideration and possible action to adopt a concrete washout standard.
No action taken.
Authorize public hearings on the proposed creation of city TIRZs and authorize city staff to prepare and file with the city secretary's office TIRZ preliminary project plans.
No action taken.
Discussion and possible direction on redesigning layout of council chambers to accommodate an ADA accessible lectern.
Council directed staff to remove four front row chairs in council chamber to accomodate an ADA accessible lecturn.
Take action on items discussed in Executive Session.
No action taken.
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