The Kyle Report

The Kyle Report

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kyle PD’s speeding crackdown yields phenomenal results

I find these numbers absolutely shocking: The Kyle Police Department enforced a well publicized crackdown on I-35 speeding Monday that resulted in the patrol officers issuing 47 traffic citations, according to figures released today by Police Chief Jeff Barnett. Here’s what I find truly amazing about that number. The week before, on Monday, May 9, just one citation was issued.

Barnett said the success of the program guarantees it will be repeated. "We will do this throughout the summer," he said. The program is part of an effort to reduce the number of traffic accidents in Kyle on I-35.

Like I predicted before the actual crackdown day, 87 percent of those motorists ticketed were from out of town. Hey, I’m not one of the world’s greatest prognosticators, so in that rare instance when I get something right, I’m going to let the world know about it. The actual numbers, Barnett said, were "41 out of 47 did not have a City of Kyle address."

Which just goes to prove my theory that more people need to not only slow down when driving through Kyle, but actually exit off the interstate and stop in town for some delicious coffee, barbecue and pie.

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